
Issue #34 resolved
Sérgio Basto created an issue


Built Packages:
    dolphin 15.04.3
    dolphin-libs 15.04.3
    kde-baseapps 15.04.3
    kde-baseapps-common 15.04.3
    kde-baseapps-debuginfo 15.04.3
    kde-baseapps-devel 15.04.3
    kde-baseapps-libs 15.04.3
    kdepasswd 15.04.3
    kde-plasma-folderview 15.04.3
    kdialog 15.04.3
    keditbookmarks 15.04.3
    keditbookmarks-libs 15.04.3
    kfind 15.04.3
    konqueror 15.04.3
    konqueror-libs 15.04.3
    libkonq 15.04.3

except kde-plasma-folderview , I think the rest could be deleted and we may use system kde of fedora 23+ ! , and same thing for new package that you add recently IIRC, we may see what app is dropped and add it to here , but not all collection of packages. I may test it in my F23 , still thinking taht we can reduce this not to kde4 but to kde4-workspace.

dnf  --disablerepo=sergiomb-kde4for23 --enablerepo=updates-testing distro-sync --allowerasing 

Now in f24 we got more changes isn't it ?

Comments (10)

  1. Piotr Gbyliczek repo owner

    Hi Sergio,

    I'm honestly not sure what is the goal you are trying to achieve by this.

    Is the problem that I'm trying to pull more packages than we should by usage of the kde4-fedora metapackage ? If so, you can elect to not use that metapackage and install packages individually (some will be pulled by dependencies, still).

    Repo is building with kde-baseapps 16.08 now, and I would prefer to have more packages that we need (like kscreen, which is then not installed ), rather than trying to pick and build only what we are really installing.

    If this is about something else, I'm confused as to what it is.

    Regards, Piotr

  2. Sérgio Basto reporter

    Yes, more or less about it , I'm writing my thoughts, still didn't have time to look to this project a little deeper , I just use "our" KDE4 as my desktop everyday and still wnat maintain it. I have kscreen .src.rpm in an independent package .

  3. Sérgio Basto reporter

    Hello ; I send you update of 6 packages , builds here : https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/sergiomb/kde4for23/monitor/

    Also I rename kdeplasma-addons to kdeplasma4-addons but I have send to you , today is already late .

    I'm working in last commit the package kde-workspace, because you go with creating of kde-settings etc , I had looking in kde-workspace.spec from fedora proper which have put kde-settings in there , so seems we need add kdm-settings to kde-workspace package ...

    Anyway all packages build in F23 to F26 in i386 and x86_64 Also 2 others things that learn strigi is not in F25 so maybe we should add it .. and https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/packages/kde-plasma%2A/ give us a list of kde-plasma for kdeplasma4 .

  4. Sérgio Basto reporter

    Please reply here in this ticket. I'm copy my text, I will delete the pull request and do 6 pull request instead, 1 PR have to many things together.

    • I adopt your colord-kde4, we shouldn't need obsolete colord-kde.
    • apper is just one update to 0.9.2 (with rebase with Fedora proper package )
    • kde-print-manager fix FTBS with new cups
    • kscreen update to latest bits for kde4libs
    • kde-baseapps: update and rebase with 16.08.2-1 of Fedora proper

    • This is mainly updates

    • strigi is part of kde-workspace, I think is the desktop search advance, remove it (as in F25) we will lose at least that functionality .
    • about dolpin4, we build dolphin in baseapps , but if we rename it to dolphin4 , we may not obsolete dolphin5 of Fedora proper. ( I just found I need fix desktop files of dolpin4) , also maybe we may make dolpin4-plugins ...

    Anyway this is work in progress ... meanwhile it is also my desktop and I still very happy , my goal as I said sometimes is have kde4 (mainly kdeplasma4 with kde4-workspace) , without need obsolete Fedora proper packages... I'm forking my project into yours , I send to you 6 commits one for each package , I may merge commit by commit instead all PR ...


  5. Piotr Gbyliczek repo owner

    I've merged some of PRs after review, have some questions about two others.

    Regarding strigi, how much of it's functionality depends on nepomuk ? And is it usable with baloo ? If so, then maybe we can have a look at it, to provide more complete desktop experience. If it requires nepomuk back, then I will be opposing that move.


  6. Piotr Gbyliczek repo owner

    Hi Sergio,

    I hadn't had time to rebuild the packages based on the merged specs yet, hopefully will do that over weekend.

    Regards, Piotr

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