F23 : colord-kde version too high

Issue #7 resolved
Piotr Gbyliczek repo owner created an issue

F23 provides colord-kde only in version 0.4, which is plasma 5 targeted.

Most likely we need to add colord-kde in older version to repo and obsolete the newer version.

Comments (3)

  1. Piotr Gbyliczek reporter

    From Sergio: Now I'm getting this problem :

    nothing provides colord-kde < 0.4 needed by kde-workspace-3:4.11.22-4.fc23.x86_64

  2. Piotr Gbyliczek reporter

    Renamed colord-kde to colord-kde4 as per Rex Dieter suggestion. Changed requires in kde-workspace to match this.

  3. Piotr Gbyliczek reporter

    This is resolved now due to rename. #9 however created as minor issue for investigation of the possibility to install renamed and original package alongside.

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