Any chance for new version?

Issue #5 on hold
Former user created an issue

The XML-like output of our API (often called the XML API) is already officially deprecated, and cPanel & WHM Version 70 will be the last version to support this output. Integrators and API users will want to begin switching to use the JSON output of the API now. The XML-like format has long caused problems for integrators and developers because it is not valid XML, and we find that removing it completely will help reduce that.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Kelly repo owner

    Hi, While the script does use the cPanel PHP XML API class written by cPanel Developers, the PHP XML API class does allow for the actual cPanel API calls to use JSON instead, with which we do use instead of XML. Therefore as far as I am aware, this script doesn't have any worries regarding deprecation. If you have any further information, or know of anything I'm missing, please let me know or email and I'll update the script accordingly. :)

    Thanks Pete

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