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reimport / Home

Also see the log of Ideas and Successes

Overview of the reimport process

The reimport process is handled in several steps.

  • A list of modules and packages are given to be reimported.
  • For each module, we check all parent packages for a package_reimport value. If the value is True we will reimport the entire package, instead of just the submodule.
  • Build a unique set of final modules and packages to reimport. Sort them by package depth order.
  • Check each module for SyntaxError and early exception out.
  • Move all packages to be reloaded out of sys.modules and hang onto them.
  • Reimport modules one at a time. Check to make sure it hasn't already been imported from a parent package being reimported.
    • If module added values to all that are missing, AttributeError is raised and reimports are rolled back.
  • Find reimported callback and pass the old module reference as an argument
    • If callback returns False, do not perform the rejigger for that module
    • Exceptions from the callback are redirected to traceback.print_exc
  • Find parent packages that haven't been reimported that appear to import * (change for 1.1)
    • Push exported symbols from children into these parents (change for 1.1)
  • Begin rejigger process for each module imported
    • Match old objects to new objects by name
    • Transmute classes and functions in the module from old to new
    • Switch references from the old object to the new
    • For lists, sets, and dictionaries this isn't tricky.
    • For tuples it is trickier, but an attempt is made to build a new tuple, and swap references to the tuple itself.
    • Classes that derive from the old object have their bases modified.
    • Instance have their class swapped
    • Remove references to old objects that have no matching named object
    • Similar process to the above reference switching
    • Note, this doesn't seem to find bound methods to a method that gets dropped
      • My first guess is that the gc doesn't track bound methods? (surprising)
