highlight for TeX?

Issue #2 resolved
ousia created an issue


I would love to contribute the module myself, but I have tried to adapt buff-imp-tex.lua to your t-highlight-tex.lua and I miserably failed (all was blue, except comments [all in gray]).

Would it be possible (when you have time), that you adapt buff-imp-tex.* to the module?

Many thanks for your help,


Comments (9)

  1. Christoph Reller repo owner

    Hi Pablo,

    Try in buff-imp-tex.lua to replace the line

    local comment  = S("%")


    local comment  = P("%") * (patterns.anything - patterns.newline)^0

    Similarly, you could in buff-imp-lua.lua replace

    local comment     = P("--")


    local comment     = P("--") * (patterns.anything - patterns.newline)^0

    Do you then get the desired effect (without the highlight module)? (Don't forget to run context --make after editing the above files.)


  2. ousia reporter

    Hi Christoph,

    many thanks for the fixes for both TeX and Lua comments.

    There is still an issue with multiline comments in Lua:

    but not a comment

    Many thanks for your help »und einen guten Rutsch ins Neujahr«,


  3. Christoph Reller repo owner

    Thank you for the "Rutsch ins Neujahr" and a happy new year to you too!

    Now, the multi-line comments in Lua are a little bit more involved. You have to do two replacements in buff-imp-lua.lua.


    local comment     = P("--")


    local comment     =  P("--") * (patterns.anything - patterns.newline)^0
    local commentopen = P("--[[")
    local commentclose = P("--]]")
    local commentinterior = patterns.utf8char - commentclose - patterns.newline

    And replace

        comment =
          * (V("space") + V("content"))^0,


        comment =
            makepattern(handler, "comment", commentopen)
          * (   makepattern(handler, "comment", commentinterior)
              + V("whitespace")
          * makepattern(handler, "comment", commentclose)
          + makepattern(handler,"comment",comment),

    Does that work?

  4. ousia reporter

    Many thanks for your help, Christopher.

    It worked perfectly fine (in the samples I used).

    Since you use a different coloring scheme than the standard ConTeXt core, how about adding the buff-imp-*.* (well, only for TeX, Lua and MP) in your module?

    Many thanks for your help again (and excuse my delay in replying),


  5. Christoph Reller repo owner

    Dear Pablo,

    Thank you for your feedback. Note that you can customize the colors in the highlight-module. E.g. for XML:

    \setupstartstop[XmlSnippetName][color=...] \setupstartstop[XmlSnippetKey][color=...] \setupstartstop[XmlSnippetBoundary][color=...] \setupstartstop[XmlSnippetEntity][color=...] \setupstartstop[XmlSnippetString][color=...] \setupstartstop[XmlSnippetEqual][color=...] \setupstartstop[XmlSnippetComment][color=...] \setupstartstop[XmlSnippetCdata][color=...] \setupstartstop[XmlSnippetInstruction][color=...] \setupstartstop[XmlSnippetAttrVal][color=...]

    Would this be sufficient for you?

    I am not sure when I will find the time to include TEX, MP, and LUA in the highlight-module.

    Cheers, Christoph

  6. ousia reporter

    Sorry for my delayed reply, Christoph.

    I think I can make a pull request with TeX and Lua highlight (I didn’t use MP more than twice). But consider before accepting:

    • I’ve copied and pasted code from the ConTeXt core (with your patches).

    • I have tested the new files, but not extensively (I don’t have so many documents to test them with).

    • I have never made a pull request in Bitbucket, so I hope I don’t break anything.

    Of course, you can always reject the pull request.

    Many thanks for your help,


  7. Christoph Reller repo owner

    Dear Pablo,

    If you like you also can just send me the files directly via email and I will integrate them into the highlight module. By the way: Did you ask whether Hans Hagen would be willing to patch the syntax highlighting for tex and lua directly in the ConTeXt sources? (Just a thought.)

    Kind regards,


  8. ousia reporter

    Dear Christoph,

    I had the idea after you send the patches.

    I will send the patches to the ConTeXt development mailing list (of course, referring to this issue and attributing the code to you) and see if Hans wants to merge them.

    The only objection to that merge would be the internal logic that he wants to preserve (as he mentioned in the mailing list).

    But having TeX and Lua highlighting in your module is also good.

    Many thanks for your help,


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