Restore regression testing

Issue #15 resolved
Roman Simakov created an issue

Replace harness tests with widely known test framework. Existing tests must be converted to new format.

Comments (11)

  1. Artyom Smirnov

    Beside QMTest I've checked two popular opensource test frameworks (Java) and (Python). Both looks fine, but test format is awful which not suitable for us because we have really big output results sometimes.

  2. Egor Pugin

    I vote for 'run & diff' approach. Simple. Short. Effective. Simple to maintain. Simple to extend. Can be done everywhere. Not involving any 3rd party software. Producing any needed output for CI systems.

  3. Artyom Smirnov

    New test framework is added Continuous integration server is running Tests and test framework will be improved on-demand

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