Bash Commands Missing on PhoSim Install

Issue #1 resolved
Joseph Glaser created an issue

To Who it May Concern,

So I've been attempting to install PhoSim 3.4.2 from this repository via the documentation provided at:

So I have two packages set up and the four dependency files located with full addresses. When I run $ ./configure, I get the following results:

Welcome to the Photon Simulator

uname: Command not found.
Operating system: 
pwd: Command not found.
local: /usr/local /usr
grep: Command not found.

The photon simulator requires the installation of cfitsio and fftw3.
Would you like to have this script: (a) install these from source, (b) look for existing installations, or (c) specify the paths by hand? c
rm: Command not found.
Please enter the path to libcfitsio.a: /home/jglaser/lsst/Linux64/cfitsio/3360.lsst1/lib/libcfitsio.a
grep: Command not found.
sed: Command not found.
tail: Command not found.
awk: Command not found.
Please enter the path to fitsio.h: /home/jglaser/lsst/Linux64/cfitsio/3360.lsst1/include/fitsio.h
grep: Command not found.
sed: Command not found.
tail: Command not found.
awk: Command not found.
Please enter the path to libfftw3.a: /home/jglaser/lsst/Linux64/fftw/3.3.3/lib/libfftw3.a
grep: Command not found.
sed: Command not found.
tail: Command not found.
awk: Command not found.
Please enter the path to fftw3.h: /home/jglaser/lsst/Linux64/fftw/3.3.3/include/fftw3.h
grep: Command not found.
sed: Command not found.
tail: Command not found.
awk: Command not found.

The photon simulator is now configured.

Type "make" to complete the installation.

My $PATH variable after loadLSST.bash and the setup commands are run, is as follows:

bash:/home/jglaser/lsst/Linux64/lsst/10.0/bin:/home/jglaser/lsst/Linux64/doxygen/1.8.5/bin:/home/jglaser/lsst/Linux64/scons/2.3.0+1/bin:/home/jglaser/lsst/Linux64/sconsUtils/10.0/bin:/home/jglaser/lsst/Linux64/fftw/3.3.3/bin:/home/jglaser/lsst/Linux64/anaconda/2.1.0/bin:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/intel/mic/bin:/home/jglaser/bin:/home/jglaser/lsst/eups/bin: No such file or directory

For clarification, I am using GNU bash, version 4.1.2(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu).

Let me know if you guys have seen this error before or have an idea on how to correct it. Thanks in advance!

Warm Regards,

Joseph Glaser, Drexel University

Comments (4)

  1. John Peterson


    this is strange. we haven’t seen this. this looks like your setup can’t even understand basic tcsh commands.

    what happens when you type “tcsh”?


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