Artifacts in eimages from phosim v3.5.2

Issue #14 closed
Seth Digel created an issue

Phosim e-images calculated with v3.5.2 have dark 'holes' that are not present in the corresponding images calculated with v3.4.2 using identical inputs. The attached image illustrates this, with a portion of a v3.5.2 image on the left and the same field from v3.4.2 on the right. The origin of these holes is not clear. If they represent an actual sensor effect rather than a bug we'd like to be able to at least enable/disable it.

Comments (2)

  1. John Peterson

    seth, as i think we discussed via email, this is from absorption from debris on the surface of the detector. The total loss of light was correct, but the scattering/absorption was overly simplified. It was already fixed in the v3.6 release that just occurred.

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