PhoSim v3.6 creates too many snaps on large InstanceCatalog

Issue #25 closed
Scott Daniel created an issue

When I run

./phosim grid_catalog.txt -p 2 -t 8 -o output/

using the attached Instance Catalog on a machine with 48 cores, PhoSim produces too many snaps. It produced 78 lsst_e files for R00_S12 before I manually stopped it.

Curiously, if I run ./phosim on grid_catalog_small.txt, I do not get that error.

I was using PhoSim version 3.6

Comments (6)

  1. John Peterson

    i believe this is because we now have made the default to have all sensors turned on: the science sensors, the guiders, and the wavefront sensors. (note: we debated internally about this a lot, because others using the wavefront sensors & guiders were getting confused about why phosim kept refusing to output them).

    if you happen to have a source on a guider it will produce a lot of frames for all the exposures, which is what i think your large catalog is doing. (r00_s12 is a guider).

    if you add "camconfig 1" into your catalog it will ignore the wavefront sensors and the guiders. let us know if that works.

  2. Scott Daniel reporter

    Adding 'camconfig 1' worked. Thanks.

    Just curious: why do the guide chips generate so many snaps? It might be helpful to have a document somewhere indicating how the different classes of chips are simulated, so that users aren't startled the way I was.

  3. John Peterson

    its because a guider will readout many frames to watch the motion of guide stars during the exposure. In this case, you'll get an exposure every 0.1 second, meaning there will be 300+ in a typical visit.

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