Cannot run PhoSim on Cori at NERSC

Issue #26 resolved
Scott Daniel created an issue


I have been trying to run PhoSim version 3.6 on the attached catalog using the attached slurm script. Every time I run, I get no output, but also no error message. I am attaching the resulting slurm-*.out file. I know that your group has run PhoSim at NERSC before. Is there something obviously wrong that I am/am not doing?


Comments (5)

  1. Glenn Sembroski

    Daniel, John has asked me to look at this. Could you send me a copy of the examples/sims_production control file you used? Thanks, Glenn

  2. Scott Daniel reporter

    Here you go, Glenn. Sorry for the late reply. Between the DESC meeting and Cori outages, I got distracted.

    -- Scott (Daniel is my surname; my fault for choosing an ambiguous username)

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