focalplanelayout.txt disagrees with LCA-13381 on wavefront sensor orientation

Issue #34 resolved
Former user created an issue

Consulsting the "Corner Raft Sensor Assembly Layouts" diagram of LCA-13381, it appears that the wavefront sensors in bays 0,4 and 4,0 should be rotated 90 degrees with respect to the other wavefront sensors. This is not reflected in focalplanelayout.txt. Was this choice intentional? What assumptions went into the wavefront sensor specifications in focalplanelayout.txt?


Comments (4)

  1. Scott Daniel

    Sorry. I did not realize this was getting posted anonymously. This is Scott Daniel (danielsf) filing this issue.

  2. Scott Daniel

    Sorry. I forgot about the Euler angle rotations included in focalplanelayout.txt. This is probably not actually a problem.

    I apologize for the noise.

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