Undocumented columns in focalplanelayout.txt

Issue #36 resolved
karl krughoff created an issue

Column 9 in data/lsst/focalplanelayout.txt is new-ish and undocumented in the header. It seems to always be set to 100.0. What is this column and can you add a documentation line please?

Also, the piston term seems to have moved. In older versions, the piston was included in the bulk offset in the term immediately following the zern keyword. Now it seems like there is one more column. Is the term just after the bulk piston term the piston perturbation?

Comments (9)

  1. John Peterson

    the 100.0 microns is the device thickness.

    and then there are two piston terms that appear in the column right after "zern" the first column is the intended defocus (0 for science sensors but 1 mm for wavefront systems) and the next term after that is the unintended defocus. both are in microns.

    we are going to change the structure of this file soon as its getting too large.

  2. karl krughoff reporter
    • changed status to open

    I don't think this can be resolved unless the columns are documented. There used to be a header that documented the columns and this issue was asking to add to that. Now, the header seems to have gone away (at least in the lsst version). If there is documentation, a pointer would be appreciated.

  3. John Peterson

    Its in the comments of data/generic/focalplanelayout.txt right now. but yes, long term we are removing this out of the files, so we can put the information on the wiki, since we don’t want contradictory information in different files.

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