Wavefront Sensor Amplifier Readout Indexing Bug

Issue #44 resolved
David Thomas created an issue

problem: e2adc segfaults on the C1 wavefront sensor chips. It is fine on other chips including the C0 wavefront sensor chips.

reproduce: run '../bin/e2adc < e2adc_20_R00_S22_C1_E000.pars' with the attached files (will need to update a handful of paths etc.).

solution: set minx to 2000 for the C1 chips in e2adc.convertADC(). Currently minx is ignored, seems like someone forgot to finish implementing it at some point.

Comments (2)

  1. John Peterson


    It turns out its not a problem with the code. Its just the segmentation file had some numbers that were still there from the days when we considered the WFS a single chip instead of two. Also, strangely on some systems (like mine) the seg fault doesn’t occur because it is more forgiving with memory, and indexes the image wrong by only 1 row, so it was nearly impossible to notice until you found it.

    I have updated syseng4 with the fix. Please just do “git pull; make" I will update the public version and close the ticket later.

    Thanks for your help,


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