update on phosim_visualizer.py

Issue #59 resolved
changgonkim created an issue

Hello, I am a user of Phosim for optical research in astronomical instrumentation in Kyunghee University, Korea.

I found a minor bug for the updated version v5.6.6.

This is the code:

def readOptics(opticsFile, controls):
    # read optics.txt and plot
    surfaces = []
    surfno = 0
    globalZ = 0.0
    globalZControl = 0.0
    maxZ = -100000.0
    # gather surfaces from optics file
    for line in open(opticsFile).readlines():
        #added "o" for the update of the optics.txt file. The wavelength information is in the optics.txt after phosim update Changgon Kim
        if line[0] != "#" and line[0] != "o":
            surfaces.append(Surface(line.split(), surfno))

I added “o” for line 12 since the wavelength.txt file has been integrated to the optics.txt file.

Thanks for your great software.


Comments (3)

  1. John Peterson

    Thanks so much for catching this Changgon!

    I pushed this change and it will come in the next release.


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