Some question about ideas

Issue #134 resolved
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 134


Multiple language support:

I believe you already thought about support for international languages?
What do think about it? 


Upgrade Notification:
How about offering a message in the footer saying: There is a new version of phpLiteAdmin

This is easy done:
create here a js file with the content: var upgrade = '1.9.4';

that all, now we need to call the script in phpliteadmin.php and compare with VERSION

<script src=""></scrip>
if(upgrade > '<?php echo VERSION; ?>'){
document.getElementById("upgrade").innerHTML = "There is a new version of <a href=''>phpLiteAdmin
" + upgrade + "</a>";

Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-07 12:27:21

Comments (3)

  1. Christopher Kramer
    Mulilanguage: Yes, of course this seems to be a good idea. Here again we'll have to
    think about how we handle this in respect to our single-file approach. We could of
    course put all languages in the single file, but handling languages as additional optional
    files would be a better way I'd say.
    Update Notification: In general a good idea. But why implementing this as JS? Why not
    using php?
    $version = file_get_contents("http://..../version.txt");
    if($version>VERSION) echo "New version, download here...";
    Note: we need to be careful with > on version numbers: string "1.8.10" < "1.8.2" might
    cause problems.
    We could also easily add an auto-update feature. Something like this (not tested, only
    to illustrate how it's done):
    if(isset($_GET['update1']) {
    // download the file to phpliteadmin_new.php
    // redirect there
    header("Location: phpliteadmin_new.php?update2");
    if(isset($_GET['update2']) {
    // delete the old version
    // copy the new version to phpliteadmin.php
    // redirect there
    header("Location: phpliteadmin_new.php?update3");
    if(isset($_GET['update3])) {
    // delete the temporary file (_new)
    And on top of that, replace the configuration in the new file with the old one.
    To do so we could have a comment in the new version like
    It should be placed after the default settings.
    And then in the first step of the update process, replace this marker with the current
    settings like password and databases.
    I think we should open 2 or 3 separate issues, as these are completely different things:
    Multilanguage, Update notification, Autoupdate

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-07 12:53:49

  2. Former user Account Deleted
    file_get_contents does not work if allow_url_fopen is disabled (same in my case too)
    I thought of JS cause its much easier and it works fine.
    if you want to handle it with php then better use CURL.
    Yah i offer also live update for Havalite CMS. if you need the CURL function, you can
    find it in havalite/data/updater.php. There is also unzip function (just in case...).
    ok i'll wait for the new issues

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-07 13:25:00

  3. Christopher Kramer
    Ok, I separated this into 3 issues so I am closing this one.
    Please refer to the following issues:
    issue #135: Multilanguage support
    issue #136: Upgrade-Notification
    issue #137: Auto-Update

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-07 13:40:42 - Status changed: Done

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