Multi-Language Support

Issue #135 resolved
Christopher Kramer created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 135

I believe you already thought about support for international languages?
What do think about it? 

(teryaki1963 in issue #134, copied here to separate issues)

Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-07 13:31:42

Comments (34)

  1. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Yes, of course this seems to be a good idea. Here again we'll have to think about how
    we handle this in respect to our single-file approach. We could of course put all languages
    in the single file, but handling languages as additional optional files would be a
    better way I'd say.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-07 13:32:04

  2. Former user Account Deleted
    My opinion is to only leave the english language in this file. If anyone needs additional
    language he must change his config part and add the language file same way as themes:
    $language = 'en'; // this is default language. If you want to change it, save the language
    file in same folder of phpliteadmin or in folder "languages"
    if($language != 'en' && file_exits($language.'.php')){
       $lang = array(
           'warn1' => 'There was a problem setting up your database',
           'warn2' => 'An attempt will be made to find out what\'s going on so you can
    fix the problem more easily.',
           'msg1'  => 'Please file an issue report at'
    If you think this is a good solution, please let me know, and i'll begin working on

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-07 15:55:45

  3. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Yes, I think that's a good solution. But I'd do it slightly differently:
    $language = 'en';
    // always set the English texts
    $lang = array(
      // English texts like you wrote it
    // now overwrite with these texts that are in the language-file
    if($language != 'en' && file_exits($language.'.php')){
    So the file de.php would look like:
    $lang['warn1']='Es gab ein Problem die Datenbank zu nutzen.';
    $lang['warn2']='Es wird versucht herauszufinden was hier passiert, sodass du das Problem
    leichter beheben kannst.';
    So in case the language-file is incomplete, English texts will show up as a fallback
    solution automatically.
    The problem with language-files in my experience is that somebody makes the translation.
    Then you add a new text in the new version and mail the translator about it, but he
    is gone and doesn't reply. So it's good if you can just use incomplete language-files
    as well.
    When defining the array-keys for the texts, it might be good to structure them a bit
    like 'table_column_delete_confirmation' where possible.
    In my other open Source project CrazyStat I used constants for language-texts. This
    has some advantages and disadvantages:
    + no need for global $lang; everywhere
    + L_MY_LANG is shorter than $lang['my_lang']
    + perhaps a bit more efficient
    - are constant ;-) so you cannot use a simple overwrite-solution as described above
    to implement a fallback-solution. You would need to do if(!defined('L_MY_LANG)) define('L_MY_LANG','value');
    everywhere in the lang file to do this.
    Another option is to use a lookup-function or method like lang('my_lang'). In there
    you could use arrays or anything you like.
    + functions are global
    + the function calls spread over the application remain stable even if you change the
    way you store the data
    - function-call adds unnecessary overhead
    In the end it's a matter of taste I'd say. I guess with a simple and small project
    like phpLiteAdmin I'd choose the array-approach as well for simplicity.
    It would be cool if you would implement this. I know this is a lot of work (I did the
    same for CrazyStat) but I guess the number of texts in phpLiteAdmin is not _that_ high.
    Ah, and I'd propose to use sprintf() for texts that include some values, e.g.
    $lang['table_drop_confirmation']='Do you really want to drop table %s?';
    sprintf($lang['table_drop_confirmation'], $tablename);

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-07 17:18:24

  4. Former user Account Deleted
    thanks, that helps me further.
    i'll begin making an external en.php file than we copy the array. en.php can be used
    as sheet for other translations.

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-08 06:54:33

  5. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Cool! I could do the German translation but I guess you are German as well, right? ;-)
    But I could write to the guys who translated CrazyStat and ask them if they would like
    to translate another open source script. For example I guess I could motivate my Russian
    translator... This way we might be able to come up with some translations quite fast.
    By the way, if anybody reads this who would like to help translate phpLiteAdmin into
    another language, please drop a comment so we can contact you once it's time to start
    translations ;-)

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-08 21:08:08

  6. Former user Account Deleted
    OK, i'm done but i can't edit svn any more?

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-09 18:43:41

  7. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Hmm... I checked your rights. You should be allowed to commit to svn.
    - svn update
    If somebody committed stuff after you updated the last time, you need to update. If
    you and the other guy (probably me because I committed last) modified the same file,
    you need to solve the conflict. Ask in case you need help with this.
    - svn add en.php
    In case you did not add your new file yet. You need to add it to version control before
    you can commit it.
    - svn commit
    Ask if it still doesn't work.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-09 18:49:29

  8. Former user Account Deleted
    I don't know how to solve this conflict?
    I tried to upload phpliteadmin.php again, but i get unknown server error.
    i also chaged file name, i get same error

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-09 19:09:04

  9. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Seems you succeded! Cool. Amazing how fast you did this. Thanks a lot.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-09 19:22:17 - Status changed: Started

  10. Former user Account Deleted
    Now it worked suddenly :))
    ok please check the changes. Some code im not sure of changing it?
        Cool! I could do the German translation but I guess you are German as well, right?
    Not exactly. I live in germany for a long time. My origin is palestine. So im half-german
    now :)
        Thanks a lot.
    No problem

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-09 20:01:57

  11. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Okay, I'll check your changes tomorrow. In my experience, one can easily overlook some
    texts so I'll also have a look whether it is complete.
    So would you like to do the German translation or should I do it? If you are from palestine,
    you might be able to do some other translation? Hebrew maybe?

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-09 20:43:35

  12. Former user Account Deleted
    I think your german is better than mine, maybe i can try arabic but when its complete

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-09 22:42:00

  13. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Okay, I'll do the German translation then.
    I am currently checking your changes. One thing I noticed is that you included some
    texts in your language-array that is only debug-information. I'd say debug-information
    does not need to be translated. Most of the debug information only really makes sense
    for the developers and it is not really meant to be understandable by ordinary users.
    I think I might hardcode those debug-texts again. The point is that we should not ask
    translators to translate stuff that is really unnecessary to translate. And in some
    places it really does not make sense. For example at lots of places I added debug info
    like "variablename = ($variablename)". If variablename would be translated here, this
    would make debugging even harder.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-10 14:17:54

  14. Former user Account Deleted
    Yah, sorry
    thats why i said, i wasn't sure about it, cause i still don't know the code well
    I hope its not much work for you :)

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-10 16:05:32

  15. Christopher Kramer reporter
    No problem. I just checked your changes and committed some adjustments to svn.
    I didn't check for completeness yet. I'll do so soon.
    You did a good job. Of course the effort of checking your changes is far lower than
    doing this myself. So thanks a lot for your work.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-10 19:15:13

  16. Christopher Kramer reporter
    By the way: I did these automated checks (and corrected mistakes if found):
    - check whether some language-keys are defined more than once
    - check whether all used language-keys are actually defined
    - check whether all defined language-keys are actually used
    So in regards of these aspects, the current version should now be correct. (I did use
    regex on the source to extract used and set language-keys, imported this into a DB
    and ran the checks using SQL inside the db. Worked pretty smooth and spotted some mistakes
    very efficiently.)

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-10 19:19:41

  17. Former user Account Deleted
    very nice :)
    one thing i should mention: 
    line 4001: i added class='".$field."_textarea' to let textareas have individual class
    values. This is important, cause every user can change the look of his edit area. E.g.
    for me i added a jquery editor (CLEditor: to
    one of the textraeas in my copy.

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-10 19:56:26

  18. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Oh, sorry that I removed this. I inserted it again, using htmlencode($field). In case
    the fieldname contains single-quotes, characters <>& or stuff like that, the HTML would
    get broken otherwise.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-10 21:29:56

  19. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Okay, I went through the whole code again to check whether some texts are still hard-coded.
    I did not correct this yet, I just added a #todo: $lang everywhere I spotted hardcoded-texts.
    See svn.
    If you want to, you can add these texts to the lang-array. I don't have the time to
    do it now, I might be able to in a few days.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-11 18:00:48

  20. Former user Account Deleted
    Its no problem. 
    I did few, but i still have my doubt about some #todo:
    1. Are you sure you want to include help in $lang? This might be to much for a translator
    2. helplink() is using $name as Anchor? like: phpliteadmin.php?help=1#Creating a New
    3. some of #todos are SQL concept like: NOT NULL, Autoincrement etc. i know they wont
    affect the sql statement but they will look strange in other languages. I have seen
    such translation in msn Exel/Access but they look ugly (i mean not logic some times)

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-12 12:15:43

  21. Christopher Kramer reporter
    thanks for doing some #todos.
    1. Hmm. I'd say: We add the possibility to translate this, but translators do not have
    to. If they don't, the English texts will show up automatically as fall-back. We should
    add a comment in the language-file to make this clear.
    2. Yes, I noticed that as well. I'd propose giving help-texts ids and using these as
    $lang['help_texts']['create_db']='Text about creating a DB';
    What do you think about this approach?
    3. Yes, I agree. Therefore I often added question marks like "#todo $lang ??" to indicate
    that I am not sure if it's a good idea to translate this. I guess you are right. Just
    delete the todos in these cases.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2012-11-12 12:24:36

  22. Former user Account Deleted
    ok, i'm almost done, still have 5 #todo?
    Help doc added same way in $lang[], even if the anchor is changed it will still work

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2012-11-13 11:38:46

  23. Christopher Kramer reporter
    I started with the German translation (see svn).
    What is $lang['next_line']? Just a mental note of yours where you stopped inserting
    language constants?
    I will finish the German translation soon. I noticed some stuff we need to improve
    regarding language-texts, which I will do as well.
    (Somehow Google didn't allow me to send this form with you in CC!? I will try to add
    you again.)

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-01-25 18:48:10

  24. Christopher Kramer reporter
    This is almost done, only a few things I'd like to do before 1.9.4 is released:
    - finish the last todos that are not yet translated
    - look if we need to make some of the language-texts more flexible (i.e. use sprintf
    at some more places)
    - push both English and German language file through an automatic spell checker to
    spot potential typos
    - perhaps: again check whether there is some unused language definition, some undefined
    language text used or some language text defined more than once

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-11 11:21:21 - Labels added: Target-1.9.4

  25. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Just finished the last #todos that are not yet in $lang.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-14 00:43:59

  26. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Found some more hard-coded texts that need to be in $lang (#todos added, not yet done).

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-14 23:43:35

  27. dreadnaut
    If you have a moment, maybe write a couple of lines about this on the wiki. I'm adding
    a link to [Localization] in the configuration page.

    Reported by dreadnaut on 2013-03-15 16:00:17

  28. Christopher Kramer reporter
    > If you have a moment, maybe write a couple of lines about this on the wiki. I'm 
    > adding a link to [Localization] in the configuration page.
    Done. It ended up with quite a lot of lines ;-)
    I consider this issue as fixed now. Multi-Language support is there, a German translation
    as well. I did some improvements like automatic spell checking and now think this is
    enough for 1.9.4.
    There will surely be some things to improve, but I think we should open new issues
    for that.
    What remains is to release a German and English localization for download once we release
    1.9.4 (the English only as a starting point for new translations to other languages).

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-18 01:21:49 - Status changed: Fixed

  29. Former user Account Deleted
    I also translated the lang-file to arabic, but befor i give free there are 3 points
    to notice:
    (Export with data) not added yet
    (yes) is defined but not used
    (no) not added
    One more thing is, if i wanna get the language file, my browser doesnt recognize UTF-8
    and i see the german signs like this: "insert" => "Einfügen",
    Ok, i can change this manually, but then i need to copy the text und paste in a UTF-8
    encoded text file. If i dont do this, i have same problem again.
    A zip file with the language file in it is maybe easier for the user

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2013-03-22 20:33:45

  30. Christopher Kramer reporter
    thanks for doing an Arabic translation!
    > (Export with data) not added yet
    You mean that "Export with data" is hard-coded in the code once? I just fixed this
    with r382 (in the 1.9.5 branch).
    > (yes) is defined but not used
    You mean it is not used in column_view several times, instead hard-coded? Just fixed
    that in r383 (took me a while to figure out what the problem is here...)
    >(no) not added
    Just added it in r383.
    > A zip file with the language file in it is maybe easier for the user
    For users, we offer zip-files in the downloads-section:

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-22 22:06:36

  31. Former user Account Deleted
    Sorry for my bad explanation :)
    I uploaded the arabic language file in branch 1.9.5

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2013-03-22 23:00:31

  32. Christopher Kramer reporter
    I uploaded your Arabic language file in the downloads-section.
    I did one small change: help_3_x was in German. I replaced this with the English text.
    Thanks again for your translation!

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-26 17:32:30

  33. Former user Account Deleted
    ohh yah
    I'm sorry, i forgot that i used your german copy.
    Thx for the fixing :)

    Reported by teryaki1963 on 2013-03-26 20:24:57

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