Setup a working demo

Issue #194 resolved
Christopher Kramer created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 194

The current demo hosted by Dane is not working any longer.
We should setup a working demo somewhere.
I would host it, no problem.

But I think it is not the perfect solution to allow everybody to store stuff that is
publicly visible. From a legal perspective, I think that's a bit difficult as people
could insert illegal content or stuff like this.

So I think the demo should create a new folder with a copy of some default databases
for each user that logs in. The user can then create new dbs in there and edit stuff
as he likes. The folder is bound to the session. A cronjob cleans up folders of old
sessions periodically.
There should be a maximum amount of disk space one folder can reach and a total amount
all folders can reach.

Maybe as a quick solution I will setup a readonly demo ;-)

Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-18 12:00:34

Comments (9)

  1. dreadnaut
    What if we just restore the database directory every hour or so?

    Reported by dreadnaut on 2013-03-19 00:17:39

  2. Christopher Kramer reporter
    | What if we just restore the database directory every hour or so?
    Would be a reasonable quick solution, although not perfect.
    Has 2 advantages:
    - If its 11:59 and you insert some data, it will be gone at 12:00 and users wonder
    - can still be abused, as somebody could write a cronjob that always inserts illegal
    content at xx:01
    I think there might also be some off-the-shelf scripts for this kind of problem.
    But I have not searched for it yet.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-19 17:12:09 - Status changed: Accepted - Labels added: Priority-High

  3. Christopher Kramer reporter
    (In post above, I meant "disadvantages", not "advantages" ;) )
    I just set up a demo here:
    Hosting of this (and my entire website) is proudly sponsored by effect-marketing [1].
    All databases there are currently read-only.
    I used the Chinook DB [2] as an example DB.
    I also changed the link on the project page to point to the new demo.
    I will think about what way I'll go to offer a writable demo.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-22 23:59:21 - Status changed: Started

  4. Dane Iracleous
    Thanks Chris,
    That's good you got the demo going. I was going to also mention that I
    truncated my server, which deleted all the screenshots of the app... I
    am going to get those back up over the next few days.
    By the way, great work everyone on the development. I know I've been
    out of the loop for awhile due to my job, but I've been keeping track
    of the progress. This is really turning into an amazing project.

    Reported by diracleo on 2013-03-23 00:08:09

  5. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Hey Dane!
    Good to hear from you :-)
    I noticed that the donation site also vanished. Do you fix this too or should I set
    up a new one?
    Regarding the demo:
    I just set up the demo in a way that creates a new fresh copy of dbs in a new directory
    for each session so you have full write access for this directory and can edit or create
    dbs as you like.
    These directories get automatically deleted when you logout or the session expires.
    Wasn't very complicated to set up.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-23 12:02:29 - Status changed: Done

  6. Dane Iracleous
    Demo looks awesome - I like the way you did that.
    I cleared out my entire server, and I backed it up on a machine I
    don't have access to at the moment, so I just recreated all the
    screenshots from the latest version, created a "demo" image link on
    the front page, and setup the donation page.
    As for that link to the "official" phpLiteAdmin blog - I'm considering
    deleting the blog unless someone wants to take that over. Chris, your
    personal blog with posts tagged as phpLiteAdmin is good enough as a
    semi-official blog, and it gets updated frequently enough. What do you

    Reported by diracleo on 2013-03-26 04:10:19

  7. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Thanks for uploading new screenshots and setting up the donation page.
    > As for that link to the "official" phpLiteAdmin blog - I'm considering
    > deleting the blog unless someone wants to take that over.
    I think the best way would be if you would just post a last article that the blog won't
    be updated any longer and link to my blog and the project page. This way, links to
    the old blog won't be broken.
    And we can delete the link on the project page.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-26 16:04:59

  8. dreadnaut
    I get this message after logging in: "The directory you specified to scan for databases
    does not exist or is not a directory."
    Did I do anything wrong? :)

    Reported by dreadnaut on 2013-04-01 21:49:46

  9. Christopher Kramer reporter
    Ah, thanks. Seems like my cleanup cronjob deleted a bit too much...
    Should work again now.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-04-02 18:43:56

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