ALTER TABLE: says "altered successfully" for a read-only DB

Issue #203 resolved
Christopher Kramer created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 203

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Open a read-only-db
2. drop a column for example using UI

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected: "ERROR: attempt to write a readonly database." message
Actual: "Table 'bla' has been altered successfully."

PLA Version: 1.9.4

Our own Alter Table function does not catch errors like this (also others) correctly.

Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-22 23:39:26

Comments (4)

  1. Christopher Kramer reporter
    ALTER TABLE problems in general is issue #12.
    This issue is only of low priority because only the wrong message appears.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-22 23:43:48 - Labels added: Priority-Low - Labels removed: Priority-Medium

  2. Christopher Kramer reporter
    This issue was closed by revision r390.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-03-26 00:23:07 - Status changed: Fixed

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