No tables listed on structure tab : "no table in database"

Issue #221 invalid
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 221

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Attempted load of any database in any directory my phpliteadmin

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
List of tables is expected. No tables are listed. Standard SQL query in query window
will generate table results, but "no table in database" is result on main page.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Which
Database Extension (PDO/SQLiteDatabase/SQLiteDatabase3 - see Database
structure-tab in phpLiteAdmin)?

PDO . Using sqlite3. PHP 5.4.4-14+deb7u2. v1.9.4.1

Please provide any additional information below. Works fine except won't list tables

Reported by colin.reese on 2013-06-27 02:58:29

Comments (9)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    This is on raspbian occidentalis, apache2

    Reported by colin.reese on 2013-06-27 03:33:31

  2. Christopher Kramer
    Thanks for your report. I have a raspberry pi but not tried phpLiteAdmin on it yet.
    I will give it a try and let you know if it works for me.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-06-27 14:00:54

  3. Former user Account Deleted
    Let me know if you need any other config details. It's a pretty
    straightforward install.
    Occidentalis 0.2 + apt-get install php5 sqlite3 apache2 libapache2-mod-php5
    python3 python-setuptools rpi.gpio ... and I think that's about it.

    Reported by colin.reese on 2013-06-27 14:56:56

  4. Former user Account Deleted
    I have also encountered queries that do not work on the phpliteadmin interface that
    work using python sqlite library calls. I have only encountered this so far using ALTER
    queries. Example:
    alter table channels add column negativeoutput real

    Reported by interfaceinnovationsmail on 2013-06-28 17:54:12

  5. Christopher Kramer
    @interfaceinnovationsmail: This sounds like a completely different issue (maybe something
    related to issue #12). Do you also encounter this on raspbian? If not, please open
    up a new issue.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-06-29 08:48:09

  6. Former user Account Deleted
    Sorry. I am the same person. Different email. I have since gotten phpliteadmin working
    fine on another installation. The SDCard corrupted earlier today, and I assume the
    problem was due to other memory issues. Good news is it works great on my Pi.

    Reported by colin.reese on 2013-06-29 08:50:14

  7. Christopher Kramer
    I did not find the time to test PLA on my pi, but as you say it works now with a new
    SD, this probably was no PLA issue so I am closing it.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2013-08-09 13:16:59 - Status changed: Invalid

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