SQL tab should always expect rows

Issue #227 resolved
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 227

Currently, phpliteadmin uses

    if(preg_match('/^\s*(?:select|pragma)\s/i', $query[$i])===1)

to check if it should expect rows.

But I think that it's a little buggy, because there could be other keywords to select
rows (e.g `explain`, see issue 224), or other keywords could appear in the future.

Then, I propose using

    $queryTimer = new MicroTimer();
    $result = $db->selectArray($query[$i], "assoc");

    echo "<div class='confirm'>";
    echo "";
    // 22 August 2011: gkf fixed bugs 46, 51 and 52.

    $error = $db->getError();
    if($error === NULL)

        printf($lang['show_rows'], sizeof($result));
        echo $db->getAffectedRows()." ".$lang['rows_aff']." ";

        printf($lang['query_time'], $queryTimer);
        echo "<br/>";
        echo $lang['err'].": ".$error."<br/>";

instead of

    $queryTimer = new MicroTimer();
    if(preg_match('/^\s*(?:select|pragma)\s/i', $query[$i])===1)   // pragma often returns
rows just like select
        $isSelect = true;
        $result = $db->selectArray($query[$i], "assoc");
        $isSelect = false;
        $result = $db->query($query[$i]);

    echo "<div class='confirm'>";
    echo "";
    // 22 August 2011: gkf fixed bugs 46, 51 and 52.
            $affected = sizeof($result);
            printf($lang['show_rows'], $affected);
            $affected = $db->getAffectedRows();
            echo $affected." ".$lang['rows_aff']." ";
        printf($lang['query_time'], $queryTimer);
        echo "<br/>";
        echo $lang['err'].": ".$db->getError()."<br/>";

in both "database SQL editor" and "perform SQL query on table".

I am using
* phpLiteAdmin v1.9.4.1 
* PHP 5.4.17
* SQLite version
* Apache 2.4.6
* Windows XP SP3

Reported by Loirooriol on 2013-08-30 17:28:07

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    Maybe it can be improved a bit, so that:
    * If there aren't selected rows but there are modified ones, phpliteadmin will only
    say the number of modified ones.
    * If there are selected rows but there aren't modified ones, phpliteadmin will only
    say the number of selected ones.
    * Otherwise, phpliteadmin will say both numbers.
    Something like
        if(sizeof($result) || !$db->getAffectedRows())
            printf($lang['show_rows'], sizeof($result));
        if($db->getAffectedRows() || !sizeof($result))
            echo $db->getAffectedRows()." ".$lang['rows_aff']." ";
    instead of just
        printf($lang['show_rows'], sizeof($result));
        echo $db->getAffectedRows()." ".$lang['rows_aff']." ";

    Reported by Loirooriol on 2013-09-03 02:52:01

  2. Christopher Kramer
    There is a problem with this approach of getting the error. Executing this query in
    the SQL tab:
    SELECT non_existing FROM "test";
    SELECT * FROM "test";
    The first query will show "ERROR: no such column: non_existing" correctly. But the
    second one will also show this, because getting the last error still returns this error.
    Instead of checking if getError() is NULL, we need to check if $result is not NULL.
    Other than that the proposed fix is good. I am going to commit it in a minute.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2014-12-28 14:06:19

  3. Christopher Kramer
    Fixed with revision 1f93ebad304820b2418ed2231a4827a89bb0776a.

    Reported by crazy4chrissi on 2014-12-28 14:14:48 - Status changed: Fixed

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