SQlite account (user authentication)

Issue #309 new
Petr Novak created an issue

Hello all,

I have database SQLite "name.db" (Use to access using the username and password) Account save tables "sqlite_user"

When a Database is opened via phpLiteAdmin I do not see any tables...

Can not open database that uses accounts?

Comments (6)

  1. phpLiteAdmin repo owner

    I cannot find an interface for this in PHP's Sqlite3 extension so far. The SQLite changelog states this extension was introduced in SQLite 3.8.7. The PHP changelog states that SQLite was included in PHP 5.5.21,but I know newer PHP versions with older SQLite extensions exists in some linux distributions....

  2. phpLiteAdmin repo owner

    Still I cannot find a a way to use sqlite user authentication in PHP, even in PHP 8.0.9. So there is still no way to use this in phpLiteAdmin.

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