There is no Create New Database in the left Menu out there?

Issue #335 resolved
Pal Csanyi created an issue


I am using phpLiteAdmin v1.9.7.1 on Gentoo Linux. I have setup Nginx and PHP so I can open http://localhost/phpliteadmin.php On the web page there is no 'Create New Database' option in the left Menu out there. Why?

Best, Pál

Comments (3)

  1. phpLiteAdmin repo owner

    You can only create new databases if you set phpLiteAdmin to scan a directory for databases. If you configure the available databases using the $databases config, then if you would create a new db, it would not be visible in phpLiteAdmin. Thus, creating new databases does not make sense in this configuration.

    Edit: Additionally, if you specify a directory to be scanned for databases, you need to give enough rights on the directory to create new files, as creating databases means creating files.

  2. Pal Csanyi reporter

    I solve this problem by adding enough rights to the directory where my databases are. The rights on directory are 777 so the directory can read, write and search the owner, the group and everybody. Only with this setup appeares in the LiteAdmin the Create New Database option.


  3. Pal Csanyi reporter

    The rights on directory are 777 so the directory can read, write and search the owner, the group and everybody. Only with this setup appeares in the LiteAdmin the Create New Database option.

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