Trying to use phplite admin for the first time: Error

Issue #341 invalid
Former user created an issue

Hey, I'm trying to access my database file and get this error when logging in:

There was a problem setting up your database, ./sf18us-speakers.db. An attempt will be made to find out what's going on so you can fix the problem more easily.

Checking supported SQLite PHP extensions...

PDO: installed PDO SQLite Driver: not installed SQLite3: not installed SQLiteDatabase: not installed


The problem cannot be diagnosed properly. Please file an issue report at See for help.

Anyone have an idea of what's going on?

Comments (3)

  1. phpLiteAdmin repo owner

    Have you read ?

    Your system does not have any php sqlite extension installed. The link provided with the error message explains everything about it. On Debian based systems, you need to one of the following, depending on your php version:

    apt-get install php5-sqlite
    apt-get install php7.0-sqlite3

    If your system is not Debian based and you still need help, please provide more details about your system, like the OS, OS version, PHP version, Webserver, Webserver version, and everything you already tried to solve the problem.

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