Connect Anroid device sqlite with phpliteadmin

Issue #346 closed
Former user created an issue

Hello Sir,

How can I connect adb connected android device sqlite database to phpliteadmin. I want show live sqlite database in this view. Please give your suggestion/help for the same.

thanks, Ankit Soni

Comments (8)

  1. Ankit Soni

    Yes I have tried that. But my question is how I show live sqlite db in phpliteadmin. Means if I changed in sqlite db that than also that change in phpliteadmin side.

  2. phpLiteAdmin repo owner

    refresh your browser? phpLiteAdmin does not have a live view that refreshes automatically, if this is what you are looking for

  3. Ankit Soni

    Sorry, I means if I changed in my application which connected to its sqlite db. than how I show that live changes in my phpsqliteadmin.

    In short How I connect phone's sqlitedb with phpsqliteadmin?

  4. Ankit Soni

    adb shell

    mkdir /sdcard/data/

    run-as com.ionicframework.sqlitesync386866

    cp databases/sqlite.db /sdcard/data/



    adb pull /sdcard/data/sqlite.db /home/ilogix/Desktop/ionic/

    I am running above commands after I get .db file and after I put in phpsqliteadmin directory. after that I can show db.

    Can you have any way to show direct database?

  5. phpLiteAdmin repo owner

    Please, we did not do the App. If you have problems with the app, ask the author of the app, not us. And I got really annoyed because you posted in the bugtracker, the mailing list, the contact form and by direct mail. YES, I get all these emails. And no, if I receive the same one 4 times from you, I am not really in the mood to help you.

    As I said, I have not tried the Android app and I cannot support it. Please: First thoroughly read the instructions posted by Marco Diez in the Play store:

    I will just copy it from here:


    If you just want to see if this software works, download it, install on your phone, open it, start the server and go to "http://ip_address_of_your_phone:8080/" from your computer. If you have no internet, connect your phone with the USB cable and type "adb forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080". Afterwards, open http://localhost:8080/ from your computer.

    Now just create a database or play around with an existing one.

    To view/edit a database from an existing/your app:

    It is possible for you to view/edit a DB from an existing app, but you will need permissions for that. If you are rooted, just type:

    adb shell su -c chmod 777 /data/data/com.apkcreator.apkname/databases/ /data/data/com.apkcreator.apkname/databases/*

    hint: some apps make the DB not readable publicly every time they open, so be ready to type the command above many times.

    If you can't root, use your own app to make this folders and files public writtable. You may want to do this only on the debug version of your app. Afterwards, open SQLite Admin for Android, open the sqliteDatabases.sqlite3 database and add either the absolute folder path or absolute database path in the databases database.

    If you wrote the path correctly AND there are permissions, the DB will automatically appear. Warning: errors will only be shown if you close SQLite Admin for Android and open it again.

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