php_mbstring extension check missing

Issue #379 resolved
Jan Turoň created an issue

Hello Christopher,

phpliteadmin should check and warn the user if extension=php_mbstring.dll is not installed. in version 1.9.8 if it is not installed, just blank interface appears and one must dig into the source code to find the source of the issue.

Comments (8)

  1. phpLiteAdmin repo owner

    Thanks for reporting. With commit b393d6da36441f5f99402725f3fa353bc037303b I added fallback functions and a warning. This means phpLiteAdmin will now work without mbstring, but may have issues with multibyte characters and thus displays a warning that installing mbstring is recommended.

    Yes, we are this strange project that always adds fallbacks for everything. This is because we try to run on almost any php installation out there without requiring anything special.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    The “Installation” page of the wiki ends with a recommendation to install three extensions. I would like to suggest including another line, showing the terminal command that will do this (apt install php-mbstring) etc. I know this seems like excessive hand-holding, but I can’t be the only non-expert who has to resort to Google to find how to install these extensions, and I always appreciate explicit examples. Just a suggestion.

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