Error 403 after SQL-Command

Issue #387 wontfix
user created an issue

I use this very helpful tool for a few years for smaller webprojects. Since a few days sending a SQL-Command via the SQL-Tab my webserver responds following Error:

Error 403: your request was denied

Possible causes for this error are:

No index page (e.g. index.php or index.html) was found
Your request was denied by our web application firewall. In case you are the operator of this website, you are able customize or disable the Web Application Firewall in our control panel ………………...

All other functions of phpliteadmin work fine.

Comments (3)

  1. phpLiteAdmin repo owner

    Well this is because your webhoster uses a “Web Application Firewall” that detects the SQL commands in the requests that phpLiteAdmin receives. SQL commands are typically found in requests that try to exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities. The web application firewall of your webhoster finds the SQL command in the request and suspects that it may be an attack and thus, blocks it.

    Please have a look in the control panel of your hoster how you can configure the web application firewall. Probably, you can disable it for the phpLiteAdmin folder.

  2. phpLiteAdmin repo owner

    Not much we could do about this. We could encrypt the query using JS before posting it and decrypt it back in PHP. Closing this for now. If this pops up again, we could think about encryption.

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