CSRF token is wrong - please try to login again

Issue #393 resolved
Rémi Rémino created an issue

OS: Raspbian 10

I get the dreaded “CSRF token is wrong - please try to login again” on a fresh installation of phpLiteAdmin.

I tried with (provided by the OS apt repo), (from phpLiteAdmin’s releases page), and the latest 1.9.9-dev downloaded today.

Injecting var_dump()s in the code, I see the POST values are sent properly and my config is loaded correctly.

I ended up just adding a return at the top of checkToken() to make phpLiteAdmin work, while also making it less secure.

Comments (1)

  1. Rémi Rémino reporter

    My apologies. I’ve installed phpLiteAdmin to run via reverse proxy from nginx. Only the .php files were accessible, but not any other file. Fixing that somehow resolved the issue.

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