Alter table (to delete the field from table) not working

Issue #45 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 45 ``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Create a table in a database. 2. Select the table. then click on structure. 3. There are two option to delete the field. 4. delete button in from of each field. 5. check button and value in drop down delete then go.

Both option not working for me.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? field should be delete from the table. currently "Table 'data' has been altered successfully." but field is still there.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? SQLite version: 3.7.3 SQLite extension: PDO PHP version: 5.3.5 OS window 7 (Xampp Server)

Please provide any additional information below.


Reported by `AMIT.INSAN` on 2011-07-06 10:49:58

Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Strictly speaking, the ALTER TABLE command does not support removal of columns from tables. The procedure recommended on the site is to select the columns to be kept into a temp table, drop the original, and select the contents of the temp table back into the original table.

    Given that this operation could easily bring down a system and is destructive, it seems best not to support it at this time. The solution until the SQLite ALTER TABLE command is changed is to eliminate the misleading operation from the screen. ```

    Reported by `` on 2011-08-24 17:57:48 - Labels added: Priority-Low - Labels removed: Priority-Medium

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Reported by `` on 2011-08-24 17:58:09 - Status changed: `WontFix`

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