if "$directory" is set to false, then "$database[?]['perms'] - gives error message - modified

Issue #85 resolved
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 85 ``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. if "$directory" is set to false, then "$database[?]['perms'] - gives error message - see below 2. 3.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expected: "[rw] Database 1" under the "Change Database" I See: "Notice: Undefined index: perms in ./phpliteadmin/phpliteadmin.php on line 2183"

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? phpLiteAdmin v1.9.1

Please provide any additional information below. Revised "codes.txt" file attached. Those lines were added to "phpliteadmin.php", after Line 365 of the original downloaded file.


Reported by `ramsvred` on 2012-01-28 17:43:27


Comments (1)

  1. Dane Iracleous

    ``` Thanks for the fix, ramsvred. Seems to work. This has been included in v1.9.3. ```

    Reported by `diracleo` on 2012-06-02 08:49:13 - Status changed: `Fixed`

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