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The UAM_IV file module defines a class like derived type that implements the UAM_IV file format as defined in Ramboll Environ's CAMx. Provides an object like data structure for all types and method like subroutines for IO. It was inspired by Dr. Barron Henderson's pseudonetcdf python CAMx compatibly layer and serves as a modern Fortran IO support module.

This module was developed by Pablo Garcia at the Center for Atmospheric Particle Studies in Carnegie Mellon University.



USE class_UAM_IV
TYPE(UAM_IV) :: fl

Data structure

The UAM_IV derived type can be used to create variables of the UAM_IV type. It can contain the data from any UAM_IV file type supported by CAMx in the following variables, here shown by groups. The variable names follow the convention from the published CAMx manuals where possible. More detail on their function and use is described there.

File descriptors

Main Header

  • in_file: Input file path. Supports up to 256 characters
  • unit: Input file fortran unit. Can be automatically assigned or user set.
  • fname: File type in the CAMx style character array
  • ftype: File type
  • note: File description note in CAMx style character array
  • nseg: Unused / No documentation from CAMx
  • nspec: Number of species
  • idate, jdate: Start and end dates
  • begtim, endtim: Start and end times
  • iutm: Time zone
  • nx, ny, nz: EW, NS, and up-down grid dimensions
  • nzlo, nzup: Unused / No documentation from CAMx
  • hts, htl, htu: Unused / No documentation from CAMx
  • i1, j1, nx1, ny1: Unused / No documentation from CAMx
  • orgx, orgy: Unused / No documentation from CAMx
  • utmx, utmy: Grid origin of the SW corner of the domain in projection coordinates, xorg and yorg in the CAMx manual
  • dx, dy: Cell dimensions in projected coordinates

The UAM_IV format, as implemented by CAMx, does not contain the number of data frames in the file header. This module assumes 24 data frames per file, adjust according to your application.

  • update_times: Number of data frames in the file. Default value = 24


  • spname: Species name array in CAMx style character array
  • c_spname: Species name array, size nspec

Time-variant frame headers

  • ibgdat, iendat: Start and end date of the data frame, size update_times
  • nbgtim, ientim: Start and end time of the data frame, size update_times

Data types


  • conc: 3D concentration array
    • Size: nx, ny, nz, update_times, nspec
    • Dimensions: EW cell (column), NW cell (row), layer, hour, species


  • conc: 2D area emissions array
    • Size: nx, ny, update_times, nspec
    • Dimensions: EW cell (column), NW cell (row), hour, species


Stack parameters * nstk: Number of stacks * xstk, ystk: Stack location in projection coordinates, size nstk * hstk, dstk: Stack height and diameter, size nstk * tstk, vstk: Stack temperature and velocity, size nstk

Stack emissions * icell, jcell: Unused / No documentation from CAMx * kcell: Unused except as flag for OSAT * flow: Stack flow rate (m3/hr, size update_times, nstk * plmht: Effective plume height override (m), size update_times, nstk * ptemis: Species emission rate (mol/time period for gases, g/time period for particles), size size update_times, nstk, nspec


The BOUNDARY type uses the UAM_BC_PAR derived type, its properties are described here as a subset of the bc array.

  • bc: Boundary condition derived type array, size 4
    • iedge: Edge number (1 = West, 2 = East, 3 = South, 4 = North)
    • ncell: Number of cells
    • iloc: Index of first cell modeled (edges 1,3), or last cell modeled (edges 2,4): if=0, this row/column is omitted from the simulation. icell in the CAMx manual
    • bc_conc: Boundary concentration array (ppm for gases, μg/m3 for particles)
      • Size: ncell, nz, update_times, nspec
      • Dimensions: Cell, layer, hour, species


File IO

Subroutine: read_uamfile

Takes a UAM_IV type object and populates its properties with information from a compatible UAM_IV CAMx file. The file type will be determined automatically and fail gracefully if not recognized.

CALL read_uamfile(fl)
CALL read_uamfile(fl, in_file, unit)
  • fl: A UAM_IV type object like variable
  • in_file: Path to the input file. If not provided the method will use the value of the in_file property of the fl object.
  • unit: Fortran unit for IO. If not provided the method will assign a Fortran unit to the unit property of the fl object automatically.

Subroutine: write_uamfile

Takes a UAM_IV type object and writes its properties with to UAM_IV CAMx file. The file type will be determined by the ftype parameter of the input object and fail gracefully if not recognized.

CALL write_uamfile(fl)
CALL write_uamfile(fl, in_file, unit)
  • fl: A UAM_IV type object like variable
  • in_file: Path to the input file. If not provided the method will use the value of the in_file property of the fl object.
  • unit: Fortran unit for IO. If not provided the method will assign a Fortran unit to the unit property of the fl object automatically.


Subroutine clone_header

Copies the main header information from an source UAM_IV object like variable into an destination variable of the same type.

CALL clone_header(fl_inp, fl_out)
  • fl_inp: Source UAM_IV object like variable
  • fl_out: Destination UAM_IV object like variable

Subroutine inquire_header

Reads the main header of a UAM_IV CAMx file without reading the data frames, produces no terminal output.

CALL inquire_header(fl)
CALL inquire_header(fl, in_file, unit)
  • fl: A UAM_IV type object like variable
  • in_file: Path to the input file. If not provided the method will use the value of the in_file property of the fl object.
  • unit: Fortran unit for IO. If not provided the method will assign a Fortran unit to the unit property of the fl object automatically.
