some problems with new statusbar and some suggestions

Issue #13 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello. Didn't knew, how to contact you in the best way and found also no email-adress for Denise emulator bugreporting, therefore i opened a ticket here now. Hope this will work like i thought.

Some bugreports and suggestions concerning the new statusbar i have here.

[1] when i activate "show audio buffer" and the buffer can be seen in the new statusbar, it is not possible anymore to turn off this audio buffer as long as the emulator runs. it stays visible then in the statusbar, even when i deactivate the function in the emulator-menue.

[2] the FPS display in the statusbar is now on the other side, which i find a little bit incomprehensible, because it almost goes down a bit between all the other ads (floppy/tape/crt) there on the right side of the statusbar. in my opinion, it was much better, having the FPS on the left side, like it always was before in older versions and all the track-displays on the other side

[3] another problem with that FPS display on the right side i have here, when i let the emulator run in fullspeed. my computer is a fast one and when WARP-mode is activated and when the speed becomes four digits (over 999 FPS), then the last number is only half visible. maybe because this ad is so far out on the edge now, i don't know? but when the FPS display would get their old place at the left side again, this would be solved anyway. nevertheless, just wanted to report it.

[4] then i recognized one thing about the new LED-lights in the statusbar. for the diskfloppy and for the tape-counter these LED's are on the right side, next to the track display. that's okay. but when the user has a datasette activated and then loads a cartridge, then there are two LED displays right next to each other, which is not really the best solution in my opinion because if can be a little bit confusing. what you think, about writing the word CRT left to the cartridge LED-light (between the tape-counter LED and the cartridge LED). this word then would separate the two LED-lights from each other and also it would make clearer, for what these last LED is responsible for.

[5] i always liked the on-screen-display alot in Denise and i recognized, that since some nightly versions, the floppy-track-display is no longer visible in fullscreen-mode anymore, but only when activating the whole statusbar, which i don't like so much, to be true. i don't know, why this was changed, maybe some users don't liked to see the floppy-tracks in fullscreen, but i suggest, to let the user choose in the Denise menue, if they want to see the floppy-tracks in the on-screen-display or not, by making something like a "show floppy-tracks" function, that can be turned on or off. that would be a better way, as forcing the user, to activate these whole statusbar for fullscreen-mode, only to see the working floppy-tracks again. just a suggestion.

If you agree to some of my suggestions and you like them, i would be happy, when some of them could be realized. Maybe you could have a look?

Thanks in advance. I am not registered in here in bitbucket, therefore i have no idea, whether i can answer to these points again later here or not. Maybe not without registering, but at least i could write one time. That's why I've summarized everything to these five mentioned points.

Finally i wanted to say, that i really appreciate the superb work that was made on Denise in last months. The emulator is really great and it's also in the VICE testbench on Rank#1 with 94% compatibility at the moment. Really good result for a relatively new emulator. Usually such results are achieved by emulators, that have been continuously improved for many years, but here in the case of Denise, it went pretty quickly.

Best regards, Peter

Comments (7)

  1. PiCiJi repo owner

    I have opened an additional issue tracker on sourceforge a few days ago, because a lot of people doesn’t find this one.

    ok, I will look into it and inform about statusbar updates.

  2. PiCiJi repo owner

    [1] can not reproduce it, works in latest nightly for Windows 10 and 7

    [2] It was never meant to be on left side, but the old simple status bar couldn’t handle it on right side. On left side it’s too noticable, in my opinion.

    [3] fixed

    [4] fixed

    [5] ok I will later re-add the track status in OSD

  3. PiCiJi repo owner

    [1] fixed

    [5] I have decided against drive track state in OSD. It is meant for short, hardly jumpy informations like FPS or status messages, which will be displayed a few seconds only. Most users certainly do not want to see the track state permanently. It could be irritating. In future releases of Denise there will be drive sounds to find out if drive is loading in fullscreen (without statusbar). Drive sounds will be switchable on/off via Hotkeys.

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