Audio issues

Issue #39 resolved
hexaae created an issue

Denise 2.0, Windows 11 22H2, i7-8750H 32GB + 1070 8GB + 1920x1080 G-Sync screen.

  1. no audio when I select one of the two WASAPI audio modes (Exclusive or not). No problem with DSound or XAudio<n>
  2. Main Audio settings: on quit Denise forgets the selected Address for extra SIDs (e.g. D420) and it won’t be saved in the prefs (I use manual saving and disabled auto-save settings)
  3. Left/Right channels checkmarks work the opposite: if I select “left Channel” I’ll hear sound coming from right speaker only

Comments (14)

  1. PiCiJi repo owner

    the multi SID UI problems are already fixed, try latest nightly. In a few weeks I will deploy a bugfix release.

    For me wasapi works. Was wasapi working before ? I haven’t changed anything in wasapi code. I assume it doesn’t work either in older Denise versions for you ?

    Maybe it’s a Win11 problem. at the moment, I can check Win11 in virtual machines only.

  2. hexaae reporter

    I have WinUAE and others using WASAPI without problems… Yes, it never worked (always used XAudio2.9).

  3. PiCiJi repo owner

    in a few weeks I'll build a new PC with Windows 11. Then I'll see the problem for sure and help you.

  4. PiCiJi repo owner
    • changed status to open

    I now have my new Windows 11 PC and Wasapi actually doesn't work properly anymore. At first I thought it was because of Windows 11. In fact, however, it is due to a changed sound hardware. Waspi driver is reworked. Can you please check in the latest nightly if it works.

  5. PiCiJi repo owner

    at the beginning of this thread I wrote:

    “the multi SID UI problems are already fixed, try latest nightly.”

    Does that solve point 2 for you?

    will check point 3

  6. PiCiJi repo owner

    I can't recreate point 3.
    If no SID is set on the right or left channel, this does not mean that the channel remains silent.
    Maybe the bug has already been fixed.
    If not, can you give me a game/demo where you can recreate it well and the number of SID's used.

  7. hexaae reporter

    It’s ok… but I have another question… :)
    Why for games like Samurai Warrior - The Battle of Usagi Yojimbo if I select this config I can hear sound only from my left speaker? If it’s mono, when 2nd SID is not used the right-channel cfg should be ignored and sound from 1st SID be centered (as it is when I uncheck 2nd SID right-channel). I’m struggling to find a perfect config without the need to manually change cfg every time for many games/demos ;)

  8. PiCiJi repo owner

    Because the emu expects for the config above sound to come in on the right channel via address 420 at any time. But that probably won't (Software decides) happen if games like Usage don't
    support true stereo. But the emu doesn't know that. With this setting, emu assumes that the game supports real stereo.
    Of course, I could rebuild it so that it is automatically centered if there is no sound on a channel.
    However, this can lead to problems with a stereo program if a channel is actually to remain muted for a short time. You solve one problem and create another. so better not..

    A single configuration for all programs, stereo or not, will not work without compromise.
    You can create multiple configs and quickly switch back and forth between them.

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