Easier PAL/NTSC switching

Issue #5 resolved
Michael Huth created an issue

Currently PAL/NTSC C64 model can be switched in the video menu only or through setting
c64_video_region in %APPDATA%\denise\settings.ini.

There should be some easier way to switch that setting:

background: Usually some disk image you mount has software for NTSC or PAL and one has to click through all the menus to switch. This resets the emulator and also auto load.

How about a command line switch?

Comments (6)

  1. PiCiJi repo owner

    The command line option is: “-pal” or “-ntsc”

    There is a pal/ntsc selector in popup menu or context menu by right click on main window

  2. PiCiJi repo owner

    first two command line options force PAL automatically and third and fourth option force NTSC automatically. Is this enough for closing this ticket ?





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