Setting for drive rpm is missing.

Issue #6 resolved
Michael Huth created an issue

Some copy protections rely on the fact that in reality most 1541 drives run slightly faster than 300rpm.
These fail in denise as it is impossible to set the drives rpm manually.

There should be a setting for that. I can provide a G64 image on request to test.

Comments (4)

  1. PiCiJi repo owner

    at the moment the speed is randomly seted between 299,75 - 300,25 each frame. Please provide a G64 image for testing purposes. Yes a setting to manually adjust the wobble range is usefull.

  2. Michael Huth reporter

    This games copy protection check fails when running at 300 rpm drive speed but works at 306 rpm. The check is when it starts seeking after the title screen appears.

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