how to use JOIN query or use connections.cursor() in Django Datatables View

Issue #14 closed
Former user created an issue

I am using django-datatables-view library. I am able to get and show data in datatables using MODAL But I need to execute joining query and show data in datatables. Please check my code.

from django_datatables_view.base_datatable_view import BaseDatatableView from django.db import models from webapi.models import User

from django.db import connections

class BuyersTable(BaseDatatableView):

columns = ['user_name','department_name']
order_columns = ['user_name','department_name']
search_columns = ['user_name','department_name']

def get_initial_queryset(self):
    #return User.objects.all()#=> this is working using MODAL but it doesn't work using executing query in CURSOR

    cursor = connections['my_database'].cursor()
    return cursor.execute("select * from user, department where = department.user_id")

def prepare_results(self, qs):
    # prepare list with output column data
    # queryset is already paginated here
    json_data = []
    for item in qs:
    return json_data

Only user_name datatables works fine(did without using cursor.execute and without JOIN) but user_name with department_name datatables doesn't work. I need to JOIN TABLES and show data.

I execute this code and it showing error. 'pyodbc.Cursor' object has no attribute 'count'

Please help me to solve this problem. I have searched a lot in google but I get nothing.

Comments (2)

  1. Maciej Wisniowski repo owner

    Your problem is not related to DjangoDatatablesView. It's more a problem with understanding core Django concepts. Anyway, using cursor is a bad idea. I don't know your models but it seems that you should be able to do something like: 

    where item is instance of User model and department is defined as ForeignKey or OneToOne field. Have a look at: to get to know how to work with related objects in Django

    For further questions it might be better to ask at StackOverflow

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