Related Column Retrieval

Issue #39 closed
Former user created an issue

I'm trying to figure out how to return related columns (based upon a foreign-key) in the ajax data. The regular django syntax of defining foreignkey__column does not seem to work. This is how I would expect to specify related columns from the customer foreign key that I want returned by the query:

columns = [

But this doesn't work. It returns nothing in these columns. However I did find an interesting workaround where you can specify foreignkey.column as the format of related columns.

columns = [

This seems to work but it processes extremely slowly, so I profiled the query and observed very strange behavior where the query was retrieving records one row at a time with highly inefficient queries.

Am I approaching this the wrong way? Was querying related models part of the intended design?

Comments (3)

  1. Maciej Wisniowski repo owner

    The proper syntax is to use dot notation like, ''. Internally this just replaces '.' with '__' and does some other stuff, eg. testing for get_OBJECT_display method. This can be seen at:

    Regarding query speed issues it seems that you have a number of inefficient queries due to related object lookups - you're not using select_related syntax.

    Anyway, personally, I tend to override prepare_results method and simply prepare output data here in the most straightforward way.

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Thanks for the tip! I hadn't dug far enough into your package to start messing with prepare results. I ended overriding that, and using the queryset values_list to generate the array, and that seemed to solve the issues that I was having with querying for individual records instead of sets.

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