Datatable 1.10 new api compatibility

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue


It would be great to be able to use the new datatable api which appeared in 1.10.

Fro example this part :

    ret = {'sEcho': int(request.REQUEST.get('sEcho', 0)),
           'iTotalRecords': total_records,
           'iTotalDisplayRecords': total_display_records,
           'aaData': aaData

Should be like this :

ret = { 'draw': int(request.REQUEST.get('draw', 0)), 'recordsTotal': total_records, 'recordsFiltered': total_display_records, 'data': aaData }

There are probably other stuff to fix.

Thanks !

Comments (2)

  1. Maciej Wisniowski repo owner

    Thanks for the info. I was not yet aware of new version of datatables. Pull requests welcome :)

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