View returns URL with column data if model has get_absolute_url attribute

Issue #63 resolved
Emad Mokhtar created an issue

If the model used for the view has get_absolute_url() method, the view will send all model's column as <a> tags.


  1. To have an option to render the columns with the link. (Easy)
  2. To have an option to map column with the link. (Advance)

Comments (7)

  1. Emad Mokhtar reporter



    class Dummy(models.Model):
        first_name = CharField()
        last_name = CharField()
       def get_absolute_url(self):
           reutrn 'blah/blah'


    class DummyView(BaseDatatableView):
        columns = ['first_name', 'last_name']

    JSON response

     "draw": 1,
     "recordsTotal": 1,
     "recordsFiltered": 1,
     "data":[["<a href=\"/blah/blah\">first_name</a>" , "<a href=\"/blah/blah\">last_name</a>"]],
      "result": "ok"

    I want to control which field rendered as anchor tag and which is just plain text.

    I have some ideas, I will create a PR this weekend.

  2. Maciej Wisniowski repo owner

    Isn't it enough to override render_column method, eg.:

    def render_column(self, row, column):
        if column == 'first_name':
            return '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(row.get_absolute_url(), row.first_name)
        return super().render_column(row, column)
  3. Emad Mokhtar reporter

    I think I didn't explain my idea well.

    Because of this code

        def render_column(self, row, column):
            """ Renders a column on a row. column can be given in a module notation eg. document.invoice.type
            if value and hasattr(obj, 'get_absolute_url'):
                return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (obj.get_absolute_url(), value)
            return value

    If the model object has get_absolute_url() method, the model attributes will be rendered as HTML anchor tag. With this code part, I can't control which column should be rendered as an anchor tag.

  4. Tom Corwin

    I second this. With a large model and get_absolute_url in the model, all columns show as anchor tags. So I ended up having to override the render_column for ALL columns to remove it. Would be nice to have a flag to turn it off, then we can add it to a specific column if we want it as your example above. or use a column list of columns we WANT to be anchored.

  5. Maciej Wisniowski repo owner

    In the 1.19.1 render_column has been split into two methods so that it should be now easy to only add <a> tag to some columns

  6. Tom Corwin

    Awesome, thanks!

    By changing my subclass render_column to return super()._render_column it allowed me to remove my workaround.

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