Automated restart of Minecraft server on crash needs more work

Issue #9 wontfix
Daniel Jørgensen repo owner created an issue

In some situations the Automated restart feature when a Minecraft server crashes, wont work. It might not be possible to fix due to how communication to the Minecraft Server instance works, but investigation is needed

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    In my observance, it reports it's starting and doesn't really result in anything productive. I usually have to reboot the unit via a cold reboot. I'm not certain if the automation is preferred by most folks, but perhaps anything that restarts the server should possibly have a toggle in the settings that allows it or not. I'm more hand-on, myself, but having the option might be a good idea. Or, I'm only too hands-on. XD

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I remembered the existing toggle in the Pi status box (by looking at it). Don't mind me, I forget little details, sometimes.

  3. Daniel Jørgensen reporter

    Cannot fix this because of how Minecraft is handled. The system works though if the java process crashes completely

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