well done

Issue #34 new
graham_mason created an issue

Hey Piotr

ignore those prats who have been slating you about this site, its brilliant, its so much better than what the others have put together.

i know a few people have become arsey over the copy and paste of the scores, but you could always just type up a small letter apologizing for not asking before hand (i know what its like when you start a project, your excited about it and you forget about these little things) that may subdue some peoples complaints, if you then ask for permission to use the clubs scores to integrate into your website they maybe a bit more forthcoming.

If they deny it you can simply ask them why they are denying it, i would suggest doing it somewhere public like the clubs own forums or STB/AirgunBBS.

they cant actually stop you doing it, but at least if you have asked nicely they cant do a lot, and if they deny it they will need to give a good reason, as its a great addition, i think most people are just scared that the advertising guys will move to you rather than there own sites.

to be honest it kinda blends in with a project i put on hold for CambsHFT, basically a membership site with a history addon, so you can see your progression though the events etc.

anyhoo just an idea, a few of us which are very happy with the site and think its brilliant :)

keep up the good work piotr

Comments (4)

  1. Piotr Piotr repo owner

    Thank you Graham. It's a shame you had to put your project on hold.

    I will seriously take your advice - as you said I made a mistake of assuming people wouldn't mind as the site serves the community, but surely there is a commercial aspect of things... Also we are just humans and we have our pride which doesn't always help - my intentions were misinterpreted, but it was likely my fault, by communicating them in a bad way.

    I am doing it as I feel there is a need for a site with all the data in one place - I want to make things better for the community. I don't want neither the clubs nor the series organisers to loose their advertising and I will be always happy to assist with it. More than that I believe if we create such a site we can attract more people to the sport. HFT has a gap of 16-30 people and this people are certainly online.

    Even if in the future I decide to allow some advertising (mainly to support the running costs of the website - but it is not certain because there are other models such as donations) I am not going to do the deals, which would harm my partners, and I consider all the clubs and individuals contributing the data as my partners.

    Thank you for the good word - I much appreciate it.

  2. Piotr Piotr repo owner

    Just to address your comment about apologising.

    I did apologise straight away and then I did it again on private channel. But somehow the conversation went the wrong way and instead of bringing us closer it antagonised us.

    I will apologise again on the public channel - soon.

  3. graham_mason reporter

    cheers piotr,

    its best to do it publicly as otherwise people dont know what was said and they go on rumour and speculation. things can get miss-understood very easily as then peoples own view points are added into the mix..

    it doesn't help with language and cultural barriers either which make getting a point across even harder.

    its a great thing your doing to attract people to the sport. and i for one would be more than happy to make a donation to the running costs.

    its also making our lives easier as as we know how we are doing, to be honest looking at the work you have done makes my project seem tiny by comparison, but could easily be tapped on to this project, it would need a slightly different approach, but the majority of the work you have already done, lol :)

    my original plan was a members database, which also had the members scores attached to the members profiles, so you could chart the shooters progress.

    the member/the club can see how they have progressed, and an offshot to this would require the clubs assistance, as like many people you get to a "stalling" point, which you struggle to get over, personally my best score on a cambs day was 43, but i have never beaten it yet, mainly as i dont really concentrate/practice enough, but it would be great for the club to see whos struggling and see if they can pair the member up with someone else to see if they can help them get over that stumbling point.

    yes its a competitive sport but we all need to learn, i think the vast majority of people would be happy to help, obviously there's always 1 or 2 who wont, but hey, if you dont ask you never know :)

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