Need armv6 or Raspberry Pi support.

Issue #1 new
mindcat created an issue
[root@mindcat-pi better-initramfs (master)]$ bootstrap/bootstrap-all 
>>> No arch specified. using 'armv6l'.
Looks like 'armv6l' is not supported. If the arch is valid consider reporting it upstream.
>>> init need arch argument, x86 or x86_64!
>>> No build_dir, forgot to /var/abs/local/better-initramfs/better-initramfs/bootstrap/lebuild init <arch>?
[root@mindcat-pi better-initramfs (master)]$ /var/abs/local/better-initramfs/better-initramfs/bootstrap/lebuild init armv6h
>>> init need arch argument, x86 or x86_64!
[root@mindcat-pi better-initramfs (master)]$ /var/abs/local/better-initramfs/better-initramfs/bootstrap/lebuild init armv6l
>>> init need arch argument, x86 or x86_64!

That is you want.

Comments (3)

  1. Piotr Karbowski repo owner

    Need to figure out cross compilation, or get an armv6 hardware fast enough to handle compilation and testing.

    Unless I got patches, don't expect this feature anytime soon.

  2. mindcat reporter

    I can provide some working cross toolchains and some stuff:

    qemu somethings:



    I think this command is working, but it need fix /etc/fstab,comment mmcblk0p1 boot partition.

    qemu-system-arm -kernel kernel-qemu -cpu arm1176 -M versatilepb -no-reboot -append "ipv6.disable=1 selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/sda5 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=noop rootwait" -hda archlinux-hf-2013-07-22.img

    I believe that is helps, and I have the Raspberry Pi, I can help you test. so it is OK? or I try do my self.

  3. Piotr Karbowski repo owner

    Thanks for the links, I will poke around it. I have strong feeling that something (lib or app) is x96+x96_64 only In perfect env it should be just getting armv6 aboriginal image and running compilation.

    (the is 404'ing)

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