ERROR UIManager does not support color key 'Label.disabledForeground'

Issue #120 closed
Former user created an issue

Every time I start latest JMeter 5 with WebSocket Samplers by Peter Doornbosch plugin

I get twice error in log:

ERROR e.l.j.w.GuiUtils: UIManager does not support color key 'Label.disabledForeground'

Comments (8)

  1. Peter Doornbosch repo owner

    Ok, let me explain. This is an open source project that i created and maintain in my spare time. I have spent numerous ours an it, creating a product that you can use free of charge.

    Now let me ask again: do you really want me to spend time on a bug that occurs on JDK8? If this bug is important for you, why don’t you spend effort to run JMeter on JDK11 or later?


  2. Frédéric Girard

    And why not JDK16 ? When working for a company you work with the ressources at your disposal. Some companies are using JDK9+, but most of them still use the JDK8.

    I come here to report to you a bug affecting your plugin. If you don’t want to support your product, or support only bugs interesting you, it’s up to you.

    There’s another websocket plugin.

  3. Peter Doornbosch repo owner

    Ok, let me be fair: i should have started with a thank you for reporting, for sharing information with me about the bug.

    I think in most cases, even when a company uses an old JDK for their products, users of JMeter can easily use a newer JDK.

    Indeed, i have to make choices how to spend my time. As a said, it’s my spare time and that is finite. I think i support this plugin pretty well, major bugs are usually being fixed quite fast. If you find a fix for this issue yourself, i would be happy to merge it.


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