Connection remains after test ends

Issue #75 resolved
Rytis Kymantas created an issue

Websocket connection does not get closed when the test ends if there is no explicit close performed.

The connection gets closed when starting a new test run or closing jmeter.

Comments (6)

  1. Peter Doornbosch repo owner


    You can change this behaviour by setting JMeter property websocket.thread.stop.policy, see documentation (the readme).

  2. Rytis Kymantas reporter

    Must have missed that, apologies.

    But wouldn't it make more sense to invert the behavior making closing the default as one would expect there not to be any dangling ends once the test is over?

  3. Peter Doornbosch repo owner

    No problem.

    I understand what you're saying, but i think "what's makes sense" is debatable. But to be honest, the reason that the default is to leave it open is just historic and at the time i didn't want to make changes that would break existing test plans....

    Regards, Peter

  4. Rytis Kymantas reporter

    It's not a problem for me because I employ heartbeat. Just randomly noticed the behavior and didn't even consider the possibility that was intentional behavior.

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