Facebook request fails

Issue #23 duplicate
Former user created an issue

I configured the plugin following your instructions, everything seems fine, also the FB app. For testing purposes, I have a FB page where I am the admin, so if I understood right, I should be able to read those posts without having to do the App Review by Facebook, as long as I'm in developer mode.

However, everytime I run the scheduler or open the site where the plugin was inserted, I have the following error in the log: [pb_social] facebook: request failed: (#100) Unknown fields: none,like,love,wow,haha,sad,angry,thankful.

Of course, no posts are shown. Where does this come from, and what can I do about this?

Comments (3)

  1. Matthias Leiser

    I also successfully configured the plugin (version 1.3.4 - typo3 7.6). I have an Active FB page with App (v3.2) where I am an administrator. Whether with the app in developer mode or live, I get the error message when starting the scheduler: [pb_social] facebook: request failed: (# 10) To use 'Page Public Content Access', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this 'Page Public Content Access' feature, visit http://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review.

    and I do not see any posts.

    How should I ever go through a Facebook App Review (with Screencast) if I do not see any posts?

    How can the problem be solved?

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