UML doesn't show Enum's methods

Issue #10 open
Igor Ganapolsky created an issue

Hello, I am using PlantUML plugin in IntelliJ. I generated a diagram for an Enum object, and it only shows its member variables, not its method - isQuery(). Any ideas?

Comments (3)

  1. Philippe MESMEUR repo owner
    • changed status to open

    I am not sure that PlantUML syntax allows to add method to enums. I will check that...

    In the case where it would be possible to do so, I'll try to provide the feature soon

    I'll keep you informed...

    Best regards, Philippe

  2. Philippe MESMEUR repo owner

    After verifications, PlantUML seems to accept methods in enums

        enum Status {
            + getStatus()

    I'll try to implement this feature soon

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