How to deal with photos in personal photo station ?

Issue #11 new
Fabrice created an issue


This is a good initiative, I was doing the same with exiftool scripts scheduled (via tasks scheduler) on a regular basis before discovering Medio.

Nevertheless, with the scripts I can handle many different directories and I can also run it for photos being in personal home folders for use with personal photo station.

Would you see any possibility to add this to Medio ? BTW, good update with version 0.6 ;-)

Thank you in advance.


Comments (5)

  1. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    Hm, ya, I don't use personal photo station myself. One issue I can see is the setup wizard doesn't really have a way to support an arbitrary number of setup options (e.g. any number of directories). So I'd have to do that some other way. It's certainly possible, but not on the roadmap anytime soon. Would you also need separate destinations too?
    e.g. Watch for new stuff in user/unorganize and move into /user/organized. The cross product of config there could be an undertaking.

    Thanks for the feedback, will have to ponder some more - JP

  2. Fabrice reporter

    OK, I understand the limitations with the setup wizard I think.

    One suggestion could be: - add a ckeck box in the setup wizard asking if personal photo station processing is needed or not - the rest of the wizard would remain the same, and the folder names defined for the global photo station would be the same for the personal photo station, i.e.: /photo/Unorganized /photo/Organized /homes/user1/photo/Unorganized /homes/user1/photo/Organized

    With this, the changes are maybe minimal for the setup wizard, don't know how heavy it is to monitor several folders permanently, especially if there are several users having personal photo station.

    Hope this makes sense, thank you ! Fabrice

  3. Fabrice reporter

    Not really, what I think would be interesting without changing the setup wizard too much is the following:

    • in the setup wizard, define the "Organized" and "Unorganized" folder names as we do today, no change there
    • then, for the global photo station AND for each personal photo station take photos in "Unorganized" and rename them under "Organized"

    If as an example we consider we have the global photo station and 2 users with the names names user1 and user2 having each a personal photo station active: /photo/Organized /photo/Unorganized /homes/user1/photo/Organized /homes/user1/photo/Unorganized homes/user2/photo/Organized /homes/user2/photo/Unorganized

    This implies that you monitor as many "Unorganized" folders as there are personal photo station users plus one (the global photo station), but this avoid to have to configures too many folder names in the setup wizard.

    Does this clarify the idea ?

  4. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    Yep, that makes sense. Does solve the config wizard issue. One issue I notice immediately is that adding a new user means monitoring a new directory. So it'd need to monitor user creation and deletion too.

    I understand now though, will have to look into it when I next have time.

    Thanks! - JP

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