Support for RAW, ARW and HEIC File Format

Issue #13 resolved
Fabian Schmidt created an issue

Hello Jonathan,

Medio is such a great extension for my photo station, but I'm missing a few important supported file formats, as all my cameras do create RAW format photos.

Are there any plans to support the most common RAW formats as Nikon, Canon and iPhone?

Regards Fabian

Comments (11)

  1. zeus looye

    I had the same problem and I fixed it myself. I think it’s a good idea to make this in the configfile.

  2. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    I should have some time in the next week or so to fix this and put out a new version...keep an eye out on cphub.

  3. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    A new exiftool is out today, I plan on updating to it. So taking a look at the supported file formats, it looks like there's multiple types of RAW. Can you tell me what extensions you mean exactly? It looks like: .raw, .arw, .heic, .heif?

  4. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    Give it a bit to be approved on cphub, then let me know once you update to 0.7. Should be good!

  5. Fabian Schmidt reporter

    Hi Jonathan, sorry, didn't see your question. I was talking about .raw, .arw, .heic Just saw the latest update and I will try it out the next days.

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