DSM 7 - Python

Issue #18 resolved
Ondřej Fišer created an issue

According to information, Python should be integrated. Therefore no need to stop installation when package is missing. Now Medio can not be installed.

Comments (14)

  1. Lari Tanase

    I can confirm without any extra install Python is working in console

    python -VV
    Python 3.8.8 (default, Feb 24 2021, 03:35:56)
    [GCC 7.5.0]

  2. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    I hope to get to this next week. I still haven’t upgraded to DSM 7. The python changes combined with the Moments/PhotoStation → Photos transition all look to imply some decent changes.

  3. Lari Tanase

    differences noticed by now going arround the issue not having this convenient Medio available

    1. apparently the ownership from PhotoStation → Photos on folders changed from
    PhotoStation → SynologyPhotos
    but it seems to not count to much
    for the moment it works great in shared space with any of the combination


    where synologyuser is any admin user for the new Photos

    2. I cannot pinpoint if the root of the problem is the fact I have set up a Scheduled Task for processing the new photos/movies but new folders are not indexed/shown in the interface by default

    • I have tried to delete the task and I am not seeing any difference
    • after I manually run exif I am forced to start the reindex process

    probably you will need to trigger it after all files are moved or inform the new Photos where you dropped new files

    3. my setup is

    • I have several users ( some admin some not - but I keep all the pictures/movies into the shared family space )

    • each user device(s) is(are) set up to drop all the new images/movies into shared space into a separate username folder

    • I have a shared space with “byYear” as root for combined pictures
    • in the past from there I have moved manually into the “Medio” root folder and everything manageable was pushed in a location like /..../photo/byYear/YYYY/MM/YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS-C.xxx leaving me with only files without usable date/time or strange formats to deal manually
    • now I am running the exif straight on the users drop folder and then in DSM start the task to reindex

    something like

    sudo exiftool -r -d /volume1/photo/'%Y/%m/%Y%m%d_%H%M%S%%-c.%%le' '-filename<CreateDate .

    4. Another particularity is the fact the new Photo is creating a DCIM folder under the user one and inside you’ll find multiple subfolders ( camera, gif,screenshots …) . The old one just dropped stuff into the user folder

    5. The ability of the new Photo to have both shared and private spaces it should be backed up by different configs and maybe ability to let users to have several “drop folders” each one with a different output
    I am just scratching the surface with

    • one folder to move all the new stuff into the shared space byYear
    • one folder to move all the new stuff into own space byYear
    • one folder to just change the filename by createDate and place it into a spearate folder

  4. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    Lari, thanks! It looks like there are a number of items requiring changes related to DSM 7.

    Question: DSM7 still isn’t generally available, right? I usually avoid installing pre-releases, as having a functional DSM is paramount to anything else. It seems 7.0 has been in “beta” for about 9 months now? Was the upgrade pretty smooth? Do things seem to be mostly stable?

  5. Benedikt Frey

    For me the upgrade went smooth without any problems (except for medio which stopped working :)). DSM7 is generally available since months. Afaik they just don't promote is an update the way they do it with other updates, because it can indeed break things on particular setups. It’s out of beta since end of june if I remember correctly.

    Thanks to both of you for trying to get medio to work on DSM 7.

    Oh an btw, happy new year 😇

  6. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    Hm. Ok. Maybe I’ll try it next week. Unfortunately my older “backup” DS211 can’t run DSM7, otherwise I’d just upgrade that. I’ll have to upgrade my primary DS415+. The DS421+ needs to come out so I can turn my DS415+ into my backup. 🙂

    Happy new year!

  7. Benedikt Frey

    Have you played with VDSM? It allows you to have a DSM as virtual machine on your NAS. I’m not sure though if you can install virtual DSM 7 on top of DSM 6. Maybe worth a try though.

  8. Lari Tanase

    From my knowledge is DSM 7.0 is main stream now for newer NAS

    I am not in beta or any “edge” version

    if you look here


    7.0 version last update is 2021 10 13
    6.2 version last update is 2021 09 01

    if I’m going on the official download page for my device DS916+ this is where I get

    on the other hand for my old NAS DS1511+ the last available DSM is

    ( no support for new DSM )

  9. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    1.0 now on CPhub.

    There are some permissions changes that could cause issues on some deployments. Will enter new issue with more info.

  10. Fernando Arias

    It keeps telling me /volume1/photo source directory does not exist. Permissions problem, maybe?

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