Medio can't find source folder

Issue #20 closed
Benedikt Frey created an issue

Hi Jonathan,

thank you very much for making Medio work with DSM 7, really appreciated.

However I’m unable to install it, the installer says it can’t find the source directory (see first screenshot).

I entered the path relative to /var/services/photo/ (but also tried other combinations) (see second screenshot).

The path definetely exists though (see third screenshot).

It used to work perfectly fine with DSM 6 with the same paths.

Do you know what’s going on and how I can fix it?

Thank you.

Comments (12)

  1. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    If I had to guess: permissions.

    I ran into a different permissions issues and documented it in #19.

    Packages before DSM7 ran as root. In DSM7, they can’t. Not third-party ones anyway. Instead, a new user name Medio with group Medio gets created as part of the system group. The developer documentation implies you can still run things as root, however, when I tried to, it would never let me install a package that tried.

    Here’s what my permissions look like for the import directory.

    drwxrwxrwx  1 SynologyPhotos  SynologyPhotos     12 Jan  5 19:21 Unorganized

  2. Benedikt Frey reporter

    Thanks for the hint, tried it but the result is the same: Source directory, Digitalkamera/Import, does not exist

    Tried it both with sudo chown Medio:Medio Import and sudo chown SynologyPhotos:SynologyPhotos Import

    Maybe the problem lays somewhere completely different: Yesterday I got a notification that my index database was corrupt. I then started to rebuild it. The indexing is still running. Maybe that could cause Medio not to find the directory?

  3. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    I’ll double check the code for more ideas. However, make sure you chmod everything in the in the path: you’ll need to chmod the Digitalkamera directory too.

  4. Benedikt Frey reporter

    Thanks, haven’t tried to chmod the Digitalkamera directory. I’m a bit worried that changing the permission on this folder messes things up. E.g. I allow some users full access to it and others read only while others have no access at all. Will this still work? Also will Synology Photos (including the mobile app) still work after messing with the permissions?

  5. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    Here’s the code (scripts/postinst) that checks that directory:

    # Check items set in UI
    SRCDIR=$(echo "${UI_SRCDIR}" | tr -d . | tr -s / | sed 's/^\/\(.*\)\/$/\1/g')
    if [ ! -d $PHOTO_DIR$SRCDIR ]; then
        echo "Source directory, ${SRCDIR}, does not exist" >> $SYNOPKG_TEMP_LOGFILE
        exit 1

  6. Benedikt Frey reporter

    Just created a new Import directory directly in the photos root (var/services/photo/Import) and it works. I guess I’m fine with that. The permissions on this folder are the same as they initially were on the Digitalkamera/Import folder so I guess it was not a permission problem after all?

  7. Benedikt Frey reporter

    Sorry, I have to correct myself: Probably it was indeed a permission issue and the problem was that I did not change permissions on the Digitalkamera directory. Feel free to close this issue, I’m fine using the Import directory in the top level directory.

    Thanks again for your help.

  8. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    Ya, while I appreciate DSM making the change to not run everything as root, I’m sure it’s going to cause a decent number of issues. It’s the right change, though. I was always worried before about some package (maybe mine!) running amok in / and destroying my DSM.

  9. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    Closing as a workaround was found and was likely a known permissions issue. Will reopen if found otherwise.

  10. Fernando Arias

    I think I’ve tried everything and I’m not being able to finish the install


    drwxrwxrwx 1 Medio Medio 508 Jan 17 11:46 photo


    drwsrwsrwx 1 Medio Medio 280 Jan 14 17:50 upload

  11. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    Possibly.  Here are my permissions:

    /volume1/photo drwxrwxrwx   1 root       root             256 Jan 18 08:52 photo

    /volume1/photo/Unorganized drwxrwxrwx 1 SynologyPhotos SynologyPhotos     12 Jan 20 11:11 Unorganized

    /var/services/photo lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 May 26  2016 /var/services/photo -> /volume1/photo

    /var/services/photo/Unorganized drwxrwxrwx 1 SynologyPhotos SynologyPhotos     12 Jan 20 11:11 Unorganized

    The only thing I notice is your upload directory has an s for setuid.  Since it’s owned by medio but the installer runs as root, maybe that would be it?

    • JP
  12. Alex Fornuto

    I just discovered this tool and am trying to install it. I created an unorganized folder in /var/services/photos and set the ownership to my user, root, Medio, and SynologyPhotos, and in every case the installation fails, citing that the source directory doesn’t exist.

    Exactly what user should own that directory?

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