Return routes are sometimes twice as long as the original.

Issue #3 closed
Former user created an issue

I was fooling around with jump ranges on a route I know well and was surprised to find that it would only calculate correctly going in one direction. I'm certain this was not a problem in the past, but I noticed CMDR Club was down earlier this week. See the attached screenshot for an example.

Comments (4)

  1. Peter Petermann repo owner

    Hum? When exactly has it been down? I haven't put it offline, and my statistics don't look like it was down?

  2. Peter Petermann repo owner

    Alright, I can confirm the problem, it seems timbarichs doesn't know that the other system exists which is odd, and looks like an import error. I will have to look into this when I have more time, thanks for reporting it.

  3. Peter Petermann repo owner

    i refreshed Timbarichs data (there where more neighbouring systems missing), so this route should be correct again.

    if you notice any other problems please feel free to open another issue

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